Monday, April 28, 2008

Ukraine, here we come!

Our 2007 Russian Family Picture:
BACK: Gleb, Sam, Danielle, Vadim, Dennis,Timur,Anya
FRONT: Lena, Jessica, Joshua, Dedushka (GPA), Babushka (GMA), Sasha, Rita, Alex

Connections: There's Babushka and Dedushka who have Alex (my dad), Vadim and Lena. Alex is married to Danielle and they have us 4. Vadim is married to Rita and they have a son, Dennis. Rita's son is Timur and his wife Anya. They have 2 girls (not pictured). Lena is married to Gleb and they had a baby boy named Igor (not pictured-wasn't born yet :-) )
We are headed on the train tomorrow night (9PM our time if you wanted to know) for Kharkov, Ukraine. There we will go to the grandparent's apartment, we will freshen up and then...
Babushka, Mom, Rita, Jessica, Joshua and Dennis will take a 4-hour train to Krumenchug, where Lena and Gleb live. Dedushka, Vadim, Alex, Sasha and Sam will take a 5 hour car ride with all the luggage to there. We will be in Krumenchug until Saturday at 3, and then the K Clan (us 6) will take a train from Krumenchug to Moscow (we will get back at 9 AM Sunday). I don't know how the rest are getting back.
So...the point of this post is: 1. to tell you blogging people in the blogging world that we will be on vacation and won't have internet connection.
2. I PROMISE to post and take LOTS and LOTS of pictures for you to see, every step of the way.
3. Please pray for protection on all of the trains, and that we have a wonderful time spending time with our family.
Ok, thats it! I will be around on Sunday, but, keep the emails and comments coming, it will be nice to get them when we get back!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Please Pray~

Edit: Now Sam and I aren't feeling too well, and Mom says she has a head ache. One of the teachers canceled, because she too has a fever. It must be going around. Please pray that we will be better by next week, so that when we go to Ukraine, we will be healthy. Thanks!

Please pray for Josh. He has had a high fever since yesterday and is not feeling well. Thank you!

Monday, April 21, 2008

At the Park~

Yesterday, the kids and I went outside between lots of rain. Josh and Jess are two of my favorite people, and are a blast to hang out with! I love my buddies...

-The Cool Dude-
He was trying to run out of the picture, but I beat him it it!
The hoop...
In the elevator coming home...
Our apartment building. We are the one with the green roof and the white ball on top (11th floor)
It was wet, so we improvised on our swinging capabilities.
Excuse the blurriness...
Jess and Josh

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hello Telma Family!

This post is dedicated to the Telma Family who moved to Almaty last month (see "Goodbye Kate" post).

Hello to all of the Telmas! We saw that you (or someone else in Almaty, but we assume it is you) stopped by (from the traffic feed)! We just wanted to say we miss you very much and hope you are settling in. Mrs. Telma, Mom says she misses you. Kate and Cara, Jess and I hope you are making friends and are having a great time in your new home. Sasha and Nicky, Josh says Hi! Please leave a comment or send us an email when you get a chance (and send some pictures too:-) !
Love from the Kuznetsovs!

Friday, April 18, 2008

taco bell prank

this is so dumb, but funny! I first watched it when I just woke up (at like 7 AM, my friend emailed me the link), I was cracking up!

3 year old....

This is for you, Mash! love you and miss you...

European Waterbed Prank

Charlie bit my finger!

Online School

For those of you interested, here is the link to the online school we do:

Sam and I have done 3 courses each with them this year, and will do another 3 next year. If you want to see what a class looks like, you can go to my vocabulary teacher's site and you will find a link there. It is a recorded class of one of his classes. Here it is:
Registration has already begun, but there are still seats available! (*if you do sign up, get a class with Ms. Lavorante-she is a GREAT English teacher!*)

Oh, and we are officially at 75 posts! Yippee!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


So I just came home from the dentist for my monthly braces tightening and Dr. Garo said....

In JUNE I get my BRACES OFF!!! Yay! I am soo SOO soo SOO soo happy!!!

So that is the big news of the day....more will come later...


Saturday, April 12, 2008

This week...

Josh's hair went blue....(its gell)
I made apple pie....
And Jess was sick with a fever....
Other than that, nothings new! Just the regular busyness of life!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008


Yesterday, Sam and I played with Daisy for an hour, throwing the ball, etc. She was FILTHY! I gave her a are some pictures:

In the bath:
"All clean! Much better."

Jessie's Joke:

Jessica's joke of the week:

Q: Why don't cows tell jokes?

Think hard....think, think, think....give up?

A: Because they are always in a bad MOOOOOOOOOD!

Ha ha!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Goodbye Kate!

This past weekend, my friend, Kate, moved away to Kazakhstan. We had a good bye sleep over, went shopping and only got 4 hours of sleep!
Shannon, Sasha and Kate BEFORE shopping:

Shannon, Sasha and Kate AFTER shopping:
Us Chilling:
Us trying (I emphasize trying) to get through the 2nd movie:
Kate left at 5:45 AM, we woke up at 5:15 to say goodbye-this is us at 5:50. We went back to bed!
We will miss you, Kate!!