Jess, me and Eva on the Nemo ride-awesome!

Eva, Josh and Jess all looking in totally different directions!

We just had to take a shot of this, it was perfect timing! :-)

Papa on a two-wheeled thing. I cant remember the name right now...
Ok, these next few pics goes to show how ridiculous I am on roller coasters. The whole group of us stood in line for and hour and a half to go on Thunder Mountain Railroad.

The ride just started

I know, we all had a good laugh about this picture...Sam is laughing at us girls in the backround...

After the ride. I wish I knew what Sam was thinking.

Poor Eva got a headache. Jess loved all of the roller coasters (esp. SpaceMountain)
wow. you really ARE crazy Sash.
wow. you really ARE crazy Sash.
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