Monday, May 19, 2008

This week:

~the weather has been amazing....
~we began the countdown for school to end and Ms. Charlene to come (3 weeks left!)
~Sam and I played violin and drums at church in praise team
~Josh's art school was canceled for some reason...
~Josh and Sam had baseball
~in science we studied crocodiles
~Papa went on a business trip
~Mom had an MRI done on her back and found out she has Herniated disks
~my eye swelled up (we went to the dr., I am fine)
~we found mysterious brown spots on our door
~i made brownies
~we all went to the gym (not unusual)
~the dog took a swim in a pond and came home filthy
~i worked on my English project
~had my last vocabulary online class
~that's our week in a nutshell...

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